The Best Investment You Can Make in Your Small Business

Take Care of You

As business owners, we go to great lengths to carefully research the investments that we make. Whether it's in our employees, or the equipment that we use, the tools that we use, the materials that we purchase. And I want to tell you one of the smartest investments you can ever make is in investment in yourself. In taking care of yourself, in enjoying life and making sure that there is time set aside every day, every week, month and throughout the year, to give back to just you. I know that we all want to give back to our families, and to the people that work for us, and to our customers, and to our vendors, and that's great. And I'm not discounting any of that, but the number one person you need to fill up is yourself. That way you have the energy, you have the tools, you have the joy to start spreading around other people.


Tonight I'm doing something that's just for me. I'm running a 13.1 half marathon. I kind of did it on a whim; now I'm training for an actual. My first ever marathon in November coming up and I thought well, just about at the halfway point. I was only scheduled to run 12miles but I thought What the heck it's getting a little boring doing it on my own so when I get out there with a group of people and have some fun with it. So, I am in Roswell Georgia running the 13.1 Alien half marathon. It's an alien theme, it's a night time race, so it starts at 7P.M, It's going to finish up in the dark, it should be a lot of fun, you're supposed to wear headlamps because it's a lot of trail running. So, I'm just going to have a great time with it. I'm so excited to be set and spending a Saturday night like this. My family's going to join me later on to be able to see me cross the finish line and this is my time to de-stress, to just have fun, get in my own head, listen to some good tunes and just enjoy myself. Let my body go free and enjoy the spirit of running and enjoy all the energy that it gives me.

Don't Put it Off

So, if there's something in your life that you've been putting off, this if for you. Whether it's fishing or hunting or doing something like that, do it! Take the time and do it because once you get filled up, you're going to have plenty to give to the people that you really care about. Your employees, your family, your spouse, your customers. So, I encourage everyone to make that investment in themselves. Have a great night, will let you know how the race goes.


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