Stihl Battery Equipment- Is it Good Enough for the Lawn Care or Landscaping Pro?!? Blower, Chainsaw

Stan: When I was asked to do a review of the Stihl battery-powered equipment, I said, "Let me think about it." And I didn't get back to them right away, but last year at about this time, I was loading chainsaws and blowers and gear up into one of my employee's brand new Jeep. It's brand spanking new. He just pulled it off the lot, drove it out to the job site and the gas spilt all over.

Stan: I mean, it soaked the back-end of his Jeep, and it was just the worst thing ever. Then, I remembered that Stihl has been asking me to do a review of their equipment, and I thought, "Well, what the heck? It can't be worse than dumping gasoline all over the back of a brand new Jeep." I figured I'd give it a review, and get back to you guys and let you guys know what I think of it. 

Stan: But, it's not just what I think of it. I've actually put it into the hands of the guys that have to work with it every single day, and I got their opinion as well. Let's see how this turns out. 


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